Onwards & Upwards

What a crazy year 2016 has been.  I can’t believe it’s now December and preparations for the festive season are now underway.  I’m very much in the spirit of Christmas, I’ve even made my own wreaths to hang on the doors, and practicing my baking recipes just to make sure everything is right for Christmas.  A big part of me is looking forward to some time to relax and slow down, just to enjoy the season.

This year has taught me to stay focused and always give something a go, even if that means to step out of my comfort zone.  My recent challenge was applying for Dragon’s Glen a month ago. In this event, businesses pitch their idea to a group of judges (and an audience), to win a substantial sum of money to invest in the business.  So I pitched my business idea - to launch a collection of signature garments in 2017, all made from luxurious local fabrics such as tweeds and inspired by the highlands.  A key point for the business is I want my clients to experience luxury while still supporting sustainability and our unique way of life in the Highlands and Islands from the fabrics used through to the finished item.  To my surprise I was shortlisted to the top 3 finalists, then to my further disbelief I won the competition!   

A few weeks have past and to be honest I am still in shock.  I now have an investment in my business which I can now move forward and start the wheels in motion.

Through my designs I will be promoting the highlands and in particular the Lochaber area through medium of fashion and in the coming months, I aim to reach a wider audience internationally.

Preparations for 2017 are underway and all I can say about next year is...it will be busy - and exciting!

L x


Photographs by Ann Kathryn Gillies

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