Highland Games

June was a busy month preparing my first collection and presenting it at The Royal Highland Show and Scone Game Fair.  I’m now finally home after exhibiting at these renowned shows, I can finally take a breath before I plunge into commission work and also produce one off jackets for a show in August.  It was a bit of an adventure taking part in these shows, I was happy with the response I received and delighted to meet new people and connect with new clients.  A few exciting ventures to look forward to for the coming months, right now my brain is bursting with new ideas after being greatly inspired listening to feedback and seeing what my customer wants and needs.  All extremely positive and ideas I plan to showcase at next year's shows. 

Now that I’m back home I’m looking at the lush and vibrant country side with new eyes, a new season bringing in new life with it's summer sun.  This week I plan to take a step back; look around, let ideas come, clean my studio and allow myself to rest.  Also excited to eat well, catch up on sleep and spend time with friends and family.  These things you need to do, and in my case I need to make myself as It's extremely easy to plough on with work.

Another opportunity I had in June was to attend "Meet the Designer" day at Suzi and Maggie's boutique in Inverness.  Suzi and Maggie have a section of their clothing store for Scottish fashion design.  I have some one-off pieces available there and I was invited to their store to meet new clients and discuss commissions.  This was alot of fun and may become a regular outing!

August may bring a Highland show or two, but I will keep you all posted of future projects.

L x