In fair Verona where we lay our scene

This month has taken me to Italy for some much needed time away.

It's very easy to fall in love with the people and the language.  I've spent my days sketching and writing in cafes, sipping on cappuccinos and sampling the many cakes, pastries and chocolates on offer.  Ive also been people watching whilst listening to the flow of the Italian language - which is incredibly soothing. I have travelled to Pordenone, Padua, Verona and Venice (almost all of these cities are settings of Shakespeare plays).  I managed to get some time to look at Italian fabrics including luxurious tapestries.

Everyone needs time away to open up the mind, I have needed this to help me focus on my next chapter.

So here's to October - introducing new styles and finally launching my online shop.  I have now decided on a few new ventures which I'm excited to plunge into (all hush at the moment, but I promise you will be the first ones to know!)

So until then, my online store will be up in the next few days...

To unpathed waters, undreamed shores

W. Shakespeare