The Beginning

First blog post and my website finally up and running!  Where to begin?

My website has taken a long time - forever procrastinating, I've spent almost a year thinking about it... I think I have two different people in me - the confident, go getter...and the shy self-doubter.  So finally both these egos came together and thought screw it!  What is the point is waiting, waiting for what? Nothing will ever be perfect and it seems trial and error may be the way to progress.  I have motivation so full steam ahead!


My blog plan is to do an update every few weeks, this can range from news or what’s going on in my head (better out than in!) – Issues I face when starting my fashion business, any tips I have or advice, and basically - my life.

For the past few weeks I am creating my new collection, which means working all the time - but I love it!

Daily routine involves waking up at crack of dawn, going for my walk, listening to inspiring podcasts (or my current Jane Austen audiobook) back to house to make my list of things to do, blend a smoothie and head into my studio to start work for the next 9 hours! 

lorna gillies in studio highlands

Designing and sewing are my passions, it can make me positively woop when things come together perfectly or stay in my mind for days fussing and fretting over the tiniest detail.  All this can be very time consuming.  I work with tweed and making coats always takes longer than you imagine, especially cutting the fabric and making the most out of it (when one metre costs atleast £40!), no room for mistakes.  Although I love the process and the end result - seeing a flat sheet of cloth transform into something that I envisaged is such a thrill. 

My new collection plan is to construct five different outfits, I have almost finished these, just making the final touches.  These will be for a photoshoot I have coming up very soon, but making the jackets is just a small section - my other tasks are to organise models, location and the photographer.  All of which are very new to me!  So far I have either made commissions for clients and taken a photo and shared on social media, or I have made one off pieces which I promote online then send to the only boutique I stock ( 


Speaking of commissions, last night I had two clients (and very good friends of mine) pick up their bespoke Harris tweed ponchos.  One of the ladies spotted a jacket she liked from my new collection and has reserved it already!  It was lovely trying on the new coats on real life models rather than the mannequins.  Seeing someone wearing a creation is fabulous to see, and even better when the wearer wants it!  So the evening was spent having wine outside in the garden on a beautiful summer's evening.  When you live in the Scottish highlands, you cant beat a sunny evening - you need to make the most of it!

Lots more to do, but first things first – website and finish collection! Continue sewing, go!

L x