From Scotland With Love

July has been a hot month here in the highlands, the temperature has been like the mediterranean, with day by day the sun getting hotter.  Having said that, I've only been sea swimming once!  Each day has been very busy that I've not had a day off (my own fault entirely!), if I'm not at our pop up shop, or my part time job then I'm sewing in my studio!

The pop up shop will be shutting its doors in a week and I have to say I'm a bit sad about it.  Through it I've met fantastic people - made new friends, met new customers and received such positive feedback about my work that has given me more direction and confidence.  I've been working with other women bringing beauty and confidence to others is such a worthwhile cause.

The shop has had both tourists and locals coming in and has allowed me to connect directly with people rather than through the technical mists of the world wide web.  Getting feedback and showing my work to a much larger audience has been so amazing.

Over the Spring/Summer months I've been happy with some new styles I've made.  In particular I really love tartan, so incorporating this into jackets has been so much fun.  I've also discovered I'm not the only one who appreciates tartan, the attention my coats have got has been surprising!  I do feel so strongly about my culture and heritage and this has always been at the root of my work.  Now I want to immerse myself in it more and tell more of my story through my pieces.

I'm not entirely sure where my path will take me after the shop closes but I will continue to keep going - keeping connected with like minded women and to encourage others.  I can't say for sure what's to come for Autumn/Winter this year - but I will be producing a small collection and perhaps a pop up shop or fashion show in the coming months....who knows.

This Saturday 14th July will be the closing party for our popup, we would love you to join us for a final look through our items (with discounts on selected items) with a glass of bubbles or cocktail.  Who knows there may even be a mini fashion show...

L x